Royal Victoria Regiment Association
Representative Colonel: Her Excellency Professor the Honorable Margaret Gardner AC Govenor of Victoria.
Patron: Major General The Honourable Justice Greg Garde AO RFD (Retd)

Welcome to The Royal Victoria Regiment Association website
Within these pages you will find out more information about the RVR Association and its activities, social functions, membership, RVR merchandise, photos and the Regiments long history that dates back to the foundation of Victoria. This long infantry tradition is proudly continued on today by the two infantry battalions of the Royal Victoria Regiment.
The Regiment
The Royal Victoria Regiment (RVR) is an operational element of the Australian Army Reserve, and is part of the Corps of Infantry within the Australian Defence Force. The Regiment has inherited the histories and continues to represent the traditions of every infantry unit and battalion formed within the State of Victoria since 1854.
The Royal Victoria Regiment currently has two serving infantry battalions.
5th/6th Battalion based through out metropolitan Melbourne.
8th/7th Battalion based through out regional Victoria and western Melbourne metropolitan area.
These two infantry battalions make up the infantry combat power of the Army Reserve within Victoria.
Elements of the Regiment and individual members have served on operational deployments with regular Royal Australian Regiments (RAR) and the RVR. South Vietnam (RAR); East Timor (RAR and RVR); The Solomon Islands (RVR); Butterworth Malaysia (RAR and RVR) and Afghanistan (RAR).
In times of national or state need both battalions have assisted with flood and bushfire relief and security at major sporting events. The Regiment has members serving with the Royal Australian Navy on Operation Resolute protecting Australia's borders.
The Association
The Royal Victoria Regiment Association came into being in 1994. It allows all past and serving members to maintain a link, provide mutual support and gather socially with the broader Regimental family.
Thousands of National Service and Volunteer soldiers have proudly served in the Regiment's metropolitan and country battalions since the formation of the RVR on 1 July 1960.
The Association encourages and welcomes all past and present soldiers to be a part of the Association. Social and organized activities occur throughout the year, especially the Melbourne Anzac Day Commemorative March to the Shrine of Remembrance and the annual Infantry Victoria Dinner held every year.
Go to the EVENTS page for further details
The Association also maintains a Facebook page. "RVR Association"