Royal Victoria Regiment Association
Representative Colonel: Her Excellency Professor the Honorable Margaret Gardner AC Govenor of Victoria.
Patron: Major General The Honourable Justice Greg Garde AO RFD (Retd)

This is your gallery where members can place photos of their own days in the RVR, find photos of mates and colleagues and the many special occasions and events in which the RVR has been involved.
If you click on the individual photo it will inlarge. Enjoy!
Want to be part of the Regiment's history and have some photos you can share with us? We need material to build the gallery. Mail your photos to the Association Secretary. Please include details of each photo if known. If you would like photos returned after they have been scanned please include a stamped, addressed envelope. You can also send them via email to rvrassoc@hotmail.com The Association will retain a copy of all material submitted for historical purposes. Also please make it clear if there are any photos that you would not want to have placed in the gallery. If you can add information or names and dates to the existing photos in the RVR Gallery send the info to the association so we can update the captions.

Transit Security Element 111 farewell at Simpson Barracks Watsonia on 21 October 2023. Soldiers from 5th/6th and 8th/7th Battalions, the Royal Victoria Regiments, 12th/40th Battalion, the Royal Tasmania Regiment, and the 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse Regiment, were farewelled by colleges, friends and family before deploying to Darwin as part of Operation RESOLUTE on 22 October. Operation RESOLUTE the ADF’s contribution to the Whole of Government effort to protect Australia’s border .

Members of the Regiment providing support during Op Bushfire Assist

Australian Army soldiers from 5th/6th Battalion, Royal Victoria Regiment, at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra to commemorate the centenary of 2nd Division.

Members of 5/6 RVR at Watsonia before heading off on 22nd of October, these members deployed to Darwin as part of Operation RESOLUTE, the ADF’s contribution to the Whole of Government effort to protect Australia’s border and offshore maritime interests.

Rear L to R Pte. Day, John Richards, ?, Bill Turner, Geoff Connely Middle L to R ?, Alex Hatelmy, ? , LCpl Thompson. Front L to R Jim Read, Peter Cassar, David Dimech

1st Platoon 1RVR under the command of Lt. David Blanksby (front far right) and WO2 Mitchell. This platoon was set up especially to be used as a training section for other platoons. Don Blanksby went on to be CO of 1RVR from 1 July 1981 to 16 August 1982. If you know others in the photo please contact the Association.

Pipes and drums at the 30th Anniversary of C Company 5/6 R.V.R. establishment at Sandringham depot. 2023

1980's Essendon Mayor with Lt. Ian Campey and Pte. Domenic Paolo at Menin Depot

Vietnam Phuoc Tuy Province, Ap An Phu. Members of the 1RVR, and the then CO of 1RVR Lt Col Kevin Cooke ED. These members of 1RVR transferred to the ARA and served with the 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment. Left to right standing: SGT Colin Rowley, SGT Angus (Gus) Barrie, partly obscured LT Robin (Rob) Cathcart, LT Owen Inman, LT COL Kevin Cooke, LT David Tresise, CPL Maxwell (Max) Hemmens, CPL John Howard. Left to right front: PTE Robert(Bob) Devers, CPL William (Bill) Fogarty

4 Brigade - Victoria's Army Force

Des Saaghy receiving Soldier of the Year award from OC Ed Hawkes

Final march out parade

Drivers Course

B Coy 1RVR - Frank Ewing

Presentation of Queen's and Regimental Colours, 19th November 1967, L-R Ssgt R Woodhouse, Ssgt N Looney (Colour Party 32nd Bn), Ssgt R Hayes, Ssgt J Rowlands (Colour Party 58th Bn), Cpl D Robinson (Sentry to Colours) and WO2 R J Gowty - RSM 1RVR.

Solomon Islands

2 Platoon on HMAS Perth with LT Roberts

Association photo Anzac Day 2022