Royal Victoria Regiment Association
Representative Colonel: Her Excellency Professor the Honorable Margaret Gardner AC of Victoria.
Patron: Major General The Honourable Justice Greg Garde AO RFD (Retd)
Need some information about the Association or an event,
or need to contact one of our office bearers?
Just complete your message on the email form below and press send.
Your question will be attended to as soon as possible and we will email you a reply.
If you prefer to write address all correspondence to:-
The Secretary
RVR Association
C/- Regimental HQ 5/6 RVR
202 Burwood Road
Hawthorn 3122
Battalion Contact Numbers
5th/6th Battalion, 8:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday - 03 8533 4200
8th/7th Battalion, 8:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday - 03 5330 4500
Royal Victoria Regiment Association Incorporated
ABN A0033229W
Office Bearers and Committee Members
President - Alastair Cox
Vice President - Gary McClusky
Vice President - David Arden
Treasurer - Stuart Brown
Secretary - Martin Catterall (TBA)
Committee Members
Graeme Scott
Mary-Anne Rovers
Scott Hamilton
Peter Baird
Des Saaghy
Mark Stanfield
Rupert Vicary
Kellie Griffin
RVR Pipes & Drums
Ben Tosetto
Ron Stepnell
Colin Hughes-Smith
Unit Association Liaison
VSR Association - Colin Hughes-Smith
6th Battalion Association - Ralph Boyne
8/7RVR & 22RVR Association's - Neil Leckie
Regimental Colonel
BRIG Douglas Ball, AM RFD jssc FAIM MAICD (Retd)
RVR Association Newsletter
If you have any stories or articles
of interest for the Association
newsletter, CLICK below
or mail to:-
RVR Association Inc
Attention Newsletter Editor
C/- Regimental HQ 5/6 RVR
202 Burwood Road
Hawthorn 3122
Useful WEB SITE Links
5th/6th Battalion, Royal Victoria Regiment - Australian Army
National Archives of Australia
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Veteran Covenant and 'white card'
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Ballarat Ranger Military Museum
RVR Pipes & Drums Association Facebook
8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victoria Regiment - Australian Army
National Serviceman's Association
58/32 Infantry Battalion Association
Bravo Coy Diggers (2 RVR and 8/7 RVR) Facebook
Health Insurance for the ADF & Defence Community - Defence Health
5% discount to white card holders
Job Opportunities